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Teamwork Makes the Home Work:
Balancing Responsibilities

The biggest challenge most couples face is learning how to create healthy partnership, where both people feel there is a fair distribution of responsibilities and an acknowledgement of what each is contributing to the day-to-day running of your life. 


This simple, yet powerful workshop will walk you through how to create that, so there is ease and harmony in your relationship and your overall life will just run more smoothly.

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Feeling that all the responsibilities of taking care of a household and family are a little (or a lot) unbalanced? You're not alone! 


There are so many chores, obligations and responsibilities that need to be handled in order to keep your family and home happy and healthy - emotional, financial, physical, and mental.  It's not uncommon for one partner to handle more than the lion's share of those things.  


And even if it seems balanced, are you each contributing to the household in the most effective and efficient way that creates the most amount of satisfaction, joy and accomplishment possible? 


Using the simple tools included in this self-guided workshop, you will create a balance of those responsibilities in your relationship from a place of love, respect, and partnership - working together as a team.


This workshop will create not only a new balance of responsibilities in your relationship by leveraging each partner's strengths and preferences, but a new level of appreciation and respect for what each person brings and will bring to the relationship.


And, this isn't a one-and-done exercise.  This workshop is a tool that you can use over and over again in your relationship.  We know that life circumstances are always changing (think new job, going back to school, starting a business, leaving a job etc), and so will the "balance" of responsibilities.  

This workshop is the same workshop I've facilitated for my private clients, and I charge $500+ to guide them through it.

Get it for just $24 and use it over & over again! 


Most couples haven't been taught how to have these types of conversations - the ones that might be triggering, vulnerable and scary, in a healthy, safe and respectful way.​


Most couples haven't been taught how to systematically work through challenges in their relationship, especially as a team, step by step.


When you don't know *how* to do something, it can seem overwhelming and scary, and so it's easy to not even try, or to give up when it doesn't work right away. 


I want to change that.  Most coaches and  therapists are great at telling their clients "theoretically" what they should do, but don't give them the step-by-step instructions of HOW to do it.  That's where this workshop is different.  


Give yourself and your partner approximately two hours to complete this workshop, and watch your relationship change. 

What You'll Walk Away with After Completing this Workshop:


A rebalance of the responsibility load so that it feels fair and aligned for both partners. You'll have a specific list of who is responsible for what, so there is no ambiguity.

Greater awareness and gratitude for what each partner has contributed thus far and will contribute to the relationship going forward. This exercise will open your eyes in a way that will foster greater appreciation for each other, which leads to deeper connection and easier partnership.



Strengthening of partnership and communication skills.  These are skills that will support ALL aspects of your relationship and can continue to grow, even as you use this workshop over and over again.

What You'll Need




The workbook

Pencils (recommended)

2-3 colored pens or highlighters



15 minutes to read through instructions


2-4 days to compile lists (individually)


Approximately 1-3 hours together to rebalance responsibilities. 





An open heart and mind, and an attitude of teamwork.  You are creating a new way of being in your relationship; be excited and believe in new possibilities and higher levels of partnership. Let the past in the past.

Contact  Us

You matter to us.  We value building personal relationships.  We'd sincerely love to hear from you, whether you have a question or just want to share something that's on your mind or heart.  

- Allison & Team

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